

Copyright Ask Mama Frat There can be 4 underlying root causes of your disease that your doctor is not addressing. These 4 factors that contribute to your bad health don’t clearly fit into their conventional medicine assessments either.  They include: hidden infection, toxins, leaky gut and stress. The good news is you can

Reasons Mercury May be at the Root of your Symptoms & Illness.

Mercury is Toxic to the Body Exposure to mercury is toxic to our health. Studies have shown that exposure to this heavy metal poisons our central nervous system. Mercury levels can build up in your body, causing immune dysfunction, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, irritability, muscle issues, cognitive loss, sensory impairment (vision, hearing, and

Learn About Gluten & The Autoimmune Disease Connection

If you have an autoimmune disease it means your immune system went rogue and began seeing things that weren't a threat as a threat - like gluten. As a result, your immune system began attacking your own body’s tissues. It’s as if your immune system got dementia. This change from a healthy functioning immune system

7 1/2 Things You Can DO at the Beginning.

Advice for dealing with doctors, symptoms, & illness. For the most part, when you ask someone in the medical profession what you can do about your autoimmune condition they throw their arms up in the air.  The problem is there are so many autoimmune diseases and each day brings awareness of new ones. 

Hello World! The Mama Frat Blog is Born.

Mama Frat This Mama Frat blog is intended to help you optimize life & live well even within the confines of  health setbacks such as  autoimmune diseases.  I will share the collective wisdom I have acquired over 20 plus years of dealing with my own health, autoimmune issues & doctors. I'll offer the

Understanding Your Thyroid Gland

Our thyroid Our 2” long butterfly shaped thyroid gland is located in the front of our necks, sort of low, right underneath an Adam’s apple location. It runs along the front of our windpipes & normally weighs less that an ounce. It has two side lobes (located on either side of your wind

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