TRANSFORM Your LIFE with this 1 technique

transform your life

Become an improved version of you!

Would you like to easily reduce your stress, attract possibility and totally transform your life? I’m going to communicate some neglected truths & give you a technique that will absolutely improve your mind &  alter your life for the better.  This method also helps prevent mental dialogue that causes your brain to respond as a victim to life. If you take this journey with me, you will realize a beneficial impact on both your physical and emotional life and you will get a gift far greater than anything material.

Has your mouth ever gotten you into trouble? Mine certainly has. It probably continued to do so for the first 25-30 years of my life. (Who am I kidding, it can still happen!) As a kid my words could get me a whooping, as a newlywed they could weaken the fabric of confidence displayed in my spouse, at work I could say something to embarrass myself etc. Can you relate? And yet, for years teachers, students of the Bible, authors and followers of Abraham Hicks, The Secret, and other self-actualized gurus have all told us about the power of our words and their ability to speak life or death over us. So why do we still talk about the bad? And how do you really make a difference in your life with just your words? While some people have taken the single truth to extremes and abused it (as with anything), the truth remains: words have power. Allow me to explain.


Essentially, stop complaining, expressing annoyance and discontent. It makes you the victim.  Sounds easy. You may even think this blog post isn’t for you — because you’re not a complainer but stick with it. For some of us this is going to be more difficult than you think. Most of us aren’t truly aware of how many times a day we complain or “express displeasure” with something – even small things. “These kids NEVER pick up after themselves. I always have to be the bad guy” or “my husband always does that” or how about “these damn idiots don’t know how to drive” Some of our victim language is less obvious such as: “I cant believe I caught a cold. Whenever I get a cold it always tuns into bronchitis ” Are you getting the idea? I’m sure now that you are aware of it – like me, you will catch yourself.

To be honest, If you are in chronic pain or autoimmune flare up — and its been a monumental effort just to take a shower or try to get ready for work, its sometimes hard to find anything positive to say or think. And, if you have a caring spouse or partner, the first thing they ask you each morning is “how do you feel” as you go through these physical challenges. When everything hurts — its an effort to set a different tone for your day. But, Its not impossible.

So, for 30 days I want you to take this stop, drop and switch journey with me.

When you start to hear yourself complain in your head or you’re about to say something negative…. about the guy that cut you off the road on your way to work, your boss, the cashier, cell reception, etc (whatever it is) JUST STOP and immediately turn that thought into what you do want. Say that out loud instead.  This is about changing your words & reactions. Instead of saying “I have to” say I “get to”.

Biblical writings and Christian teachings tell us to call things as you want them not as they are. My arm has a tattoo that reads Philippians 4:8 to remind me to focus on the positive and see the good in everything and everyone. Admittedly, this wasn’t always easy. It still takes effort at times. This exercise will cause you to become very aware of what you say and how it sounds to your brain which will lead you to realize the affect on your mind. Your words are your power.

So let’s say you get another bill to add to your monthly expenses  and your first thought is “oh crap! another bill how my going to pay this?”  Instead I want you to stop that thought. Drop that thought and switch it to the positive intent you want for your bills. That might sound like “I want enough money to pay all my bills with ease.”

More examples of STOP, DROP & SWITCH:

Instead of: “God, I hate this job.”

Replace with: “God, I intend to enjoy this job or find one I really love.”

Instead of  “I have to do laundry today.”

New way: I get to” or “I have the opportunity to do laundry” you can addsome people don’t have clean clothes, extra clothes or easy access to a washer.

Old way: “ I have to make a deposit at the bank”

New way:  How neat is that that money came straight to me and I get to deposit it!”

Old way: “I have to work out this morning:

New you:  I get to work out … You can go on to remind yourself that “some people don’t have that opportunity to take care of themselves & many don’t make the time or commitment” (and when I’m feeling especially snarky I like to add “and that’s why they look like they do” I know, it’s a little mean but it adds a layer of funny and you will remember this one)

Old way “ he/she is such a jerk” (or other name you might call this person)

New you: “ah, so & so is in my life as a teacher” OK he/she may be teaching you how to control your emotions or desire to choke the daylight out of them…. But it’s a better take for your brain.

Old way: “I  have a problem/complaint. I ordered XWY but received XYZ”

New way: “I had a request for XWY & received XYZ. What is possible here to quickly remedy this?”

When I’m feeling pain in my body I call it a signal, communication, a Post-it note from my body. The post it note version always makes me laugh which helps on some level.

For some folks this will feel like any thing new you try – awkward and full or effort…(problem is some haven’t tried anything new in a while but wonder why life isn’t changing for them)  Admittedly, at first it feels very foreign and requires thought.  Stick with it. If you fall off the wagon – jump right back on. DO NOT GIVE UP FOR 30 DAYS. This is all about language, self-talk, & preventing mental dialogue that causes your brain to respond in stress as a victim. Its also about attracting possibility into your life. When you are looking for possibility you will find it. If you remain seeing the negative you will get more of that. The exercise is to change all the negative sounding verbiage in your life.


“I have to” wording sounds forced and obligatory  but really everything about life is a choice. You can choose to be upset (which is usually nonproductive) or you can choose to be positive which sometimes requires effort but after a while it becomes easier and easier and gives you a better outcome. I think it was Jack Canfield who said E+R=O. Event plus response equals outcome. You get this at a high level. The outcome is very different if I tell the waitress she is a bone head who can’t get my simple order straight and I demand to get my freaking steak the way I asked for it as opposed to my calmly asking for it ‘medium rare’. Now its time to internalize this approach on yourself.


In life you get more of what you focus on. Ever buy a new car or think about buying a particular type and all of a sudden you see it everywhere? That’s a perfect example of your finding what you focus on. So find the really positive – really good things. It’s a law of good psychology. Stop being the victim of your own words.


Depression is increasingly common today and many people take a pill to remedy this. How much of that heaviness could you ease by changing your words? Are you willing to give it a try? 30 days of this kind of a commitment is a long time. But it will absolutely change your life. You wont want to stop. Don’t you know somebody who can easily talk himself into a full-blown state of depression, tizzy or panic? I know I do and perhaps if I’m really honest I have. I’ve spoken doom and gloom over a situation.

So now you have a prescription for that condition. I want you to take journey… or your prescription every morning when you get dressed, wear it as armor…. & remember, when you hear that little negative comment creep in: STOP it, DROP it & SWITCH it.

September 13, 2016


  1. Cindy September 13, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    Amen! Preach! The complaining and lack of gratitude really got God mad at the Israelites and they spent 40 years wandering around in the wilderness instead of about 2 years that it could have taken. I think that it would be incredible if we really lived this in front of our kids and grandkids. What could the next generation look like!

  2. Judy September 15, 2016 at 1:24 pm

    Be positive AND grateful…it’s a gift to you and a gift to others!

  3. ani September 18, 2016 at 4:36 pm

    Stop It, Drop It & Switch It is an uncomplicated way to check your language and your mindset. There is power in being positive, especially when something happens that automatically triggers an immediate negative or judgemental response. Thanks for the advice Mama Frat!

    • Mama Frat September 18, 2016 at 5:03 pm

      Thank you my beautiful new friend & welcome! Your words speak truth and I’m grateful for your comment.

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